Gemini Season Playlist

Playlist by Juliana Byers

Foreword by resident Aries, Caroline Whyte

Gemini signs are colored by their duality, their adaptability, and their impulsive and outgoing nature. Often times, they are mistaken as the fourth fire sign, due to their passionate and bold characteristics. The Gemini sign is often misunderstood, seen as two-faced or too hot-and-cold, due to the symbol of the sign being “the twins,” however, it can alternatively be viewed as a versatile state of being! Gemini folks are not afraid to have both a vulnerable side and a more striking side.

They are loyal yet keep some people at a distance. They are sure of themselves and know what they want, but they sometimes like to stray from the norm as well (for fun!). It is all of these beautiful aspects that make this sign one of the most underrated yet multi-faceted signs of the zodiac.

WVUM’s Gemini moon, Juliana Byers, has curated an odyssey of a playlist to take both Gemini and non-Gem signs on a journey of what it means to be a Mercury-ruled baby. Happy listening!

A playlist featuring Little Ann, Mr Twin Sister, Björk, and others

Juliana Byers