Switching Gears Into a New School Year

Hello hello hello, WVUMers, and happy Fall semester! Now, as we all know, this semester is kind of a clustered mess thus far. With COVID-19, classes are comprised of oddly paced online courses, awkward hybrid courses, clunky zoom calls, and plexi glass between lecture hall rows. However, something that has brought me personal salvation is taking time out of my day (between all of the stresses of a new school year, the worldwide pandemic, and all of the monstrous violences in our world) to… go on bike rides.

It sounds extremely simple, (and maybe even a little silly) but if you were here last year, you may have seen my “Songs to listen to on Public Transit” article, in which I attached a few playlists I would listen to on the good old metro. Since coming into contact with people is a pretty dicey thing, now, the times when I listen to music while transporting myself from one place to another have materialized into biking tunes! Thus, I have made a couple playlists that I am jamming to, and I’d love to share them :).

Now, I must confess. One of them is packed to the brim with guilty pleasures, boy band jams, silly pop songs, and all around fun energy. The other is more of a cohesive, thoughtful playlist I curated out of brooding mystique for when I want to channel my inner MPDG a little more on my masked jaunts down the M-Path.

Regardless, I hope you can find some tunes you may enjoy, and perhaps you can have a joyful little bike ride in the midst of this chaotic and perhaps anxiety-inducing world.

Best biking wishes, and much love!! Keep it locked <3 (seriously, use a bike lock, people are crazy out here).

Caroline Whyte