"It’s a Small World" and "Going Green", hosted by Sharon Beriro

“It’s a Small World” and “Going Green” are specialty shows hosted by WVUM’s News Director, Sharon Beriro, every Friday at 11am and every other Monday at 3pm, respectively! Read on to hear more about these unique radio shows.

“It’s a Small World” - Fridays at 11am

What is the inspiration for “Small World”? “I wanted to create a program that provided a comprehensive diagnosis of some of the most pressing/hot global issues as a way to not only raise awareness but also provide an easily digestible analysis of issues that often require loads of reading or background information.

For how long has this show been running? It's going into its second semester! *yay*.

Favorite show memory? “It’s actually from one of my first interviews. It was via telephone and with a professor with whom I’d never met before. I was really nervous and I could tell she was aware of my nerves but she indulged in my antics. I remember I kept pestering her with a series of questions that were basically the same question worded differently. Even though it wasn’t really that long ago, it has a particular fondness that makes me smile every time I remember. It just shows how I’ve improved and how I’ve learned in such a limited amount of time.“

What do you love about WVUM? “There is so much to appreciate and value from WVUM but by far the biggest impact has been the people. The creative energy and intellectual stimulus that thrives at WVUM pushes you to reach beyond your barriers of comfort and explore your inner inclinations. Everyone is extremely professional in everything they do, yet there is a sense of utter delight and pleasure in their work that makes it all so much more worthwhile. Also, everyone has incredible taste in music. But that’s just a given. “

“Going Green” - Every other Monday at 3pm

What is the inspiration for “Going Green”? “Despite the hazy craze revolving the denial of climate change and global warming, the climate crisis is upon us. This program aims to offer an approachable platform that educates, informs, and raises awareness. (This show is also) going into its second semester!”

Favorite show memory?  I’d like to think that it hasn’t happened yet :).”