"Livin' 4 The City", Hosted by Shi City

Catch "Livin' 4 The City", hosted by Shi City (WVUM's Social Media Manager!) every other Wednesday from 5-7pm!

What is the inspiration for your show?  “I created L4TC based on my desire to have a distinctly Black POV on WVUM. My aim was to link our mainly indie-leaning listeners to the vastness of African-American and Black made music while drawing in new listeners who may have desired this form of representation from WVUM. I believe the need for this show had always been there, so when it premiered in February- Black History Month- it felt natural, obvious, even. The contributions Black artists have made to popular music are so abundant it's nearly unfathomable, maybe intentionally so as the music industry has long made a fortune off of the backs of Black creatives while consistently failing to amply compensate them. Anyway, the original inspiration for the show grew out of my admiration for Black artists, but as we approached perhaps the most tumultuous and urgent summer in the Black Lives Matter movement, I quickly realized that my show is about so much more than the music. It’s about the pain that inspired the art. It’s about the people, the real Black people, that the music aims to speak to/for. L4TC exists to add an important voice during an unprecedented time. It's here to uplift and comfort, I’m just lucky to be the host.”

Favorite artists featured? “Highlights from the first semester of the show are in this playlist!”

For how long has this show been on air?: “Since February 3, 2020!”

Favorite show memory? “Nothing beats that feeling of being in the studio for the first time for the first show! I was so incredibly nervous to go on the air for the first time, I had what seemed like an entire entourage of friends to accompany me in the studio for moral support, family members and other friends were sending me congratulatory and encouraging text messages throughout the hour- I felt like I was in the right place doing the right thing. Fast forward almost a year later, I’m not even live anymore, I pre-record in my boyfriend’s living room but the eagerness to shake things up and challenge myself to find and highlight Black artists is still as strong as it was that very first day.”

What do you love about WVUM? “I love that WVUM literally is the alternative voice of Miami. We are the voice of the outliers and mavericks who expect a certain level of dedication to the media they’re consuming. Everyone involved in the station, especially our DJs, share a passion for music that exceeds the joy of a casual listener and because of that, our content is vast and unpredictable, thus making it a space where anyone can feel at home in their tastes and interests.”