"The Banter Hour" With DJ T.Ricky

“The Banter Hour” is a specialty show hosted by WVUM’s PSA Director, DJ T. Ricky, every Monday at 9pm!  Read on to hear more about this WVUM exclusive show.

What is the inspiration for “The Banter Hour”? “I have always wanted to do a comedy type of show since freshman year. I like making people laugh just because I feel that when people laugh they feel more comfortable to be themselves and laughter brightens everyone’s day up. Even when you are in a sad mood you will still laugh at the funniest joke. Even though I am Pre-Med, I agree that laughter is the best medicine. The Banter Hour with DJ T.Ricky is also meant to be educational as I believe that learning new things is really cool and definitely widens one’s perspective. I want people to listen to my show and be like wow I learned something new today. The show is a mixture of current news, comedy, tutorials, random segments, and interviews. I also drew inspiration from shows such as Seinfeld, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and the National Geographic channel.” 

Favorite artists featured? “I will be doing an interview series of students on the University of Miami’s campus. Each student will bring a new perspective and new talent of theirs that we will talk about. Some students will help with my tutorial segment where they will teach the audience and me how to perform their unique talent.”

How long has this show been on air? “So, this show is my baby. It’s my idea and therefore, this semester is its premiere. Hopefully, it can last longer than that. Hopefully there’ll be a Banter Hour with DJ Sammy or DJ Elena in the future. I think because it's a fun show to do that it will definitely continue in the future.” 

Favorite show memory? “This is hard just because we’ve only had one episode so far, but from that first episode I really enjoyed playing the popular game Among Us and narrating the gameplay throughout my show. It was funny to introduce WVUM to the other players in Among Us as I asked them about it in the chat during the game. They did not know about WVUM, but I was able to educate them about it as they decided to vote me out as the imposter. It was a valiant effort for sure.”

What do you love about WVUM?  “WVUM is my favorite organization on campus. Everyone is so nice and welcoming. I love listening to music and WVUM has been such a great outlet for me to be able to do that. Ever since I was little I’ve always been a DJ in some sorts in that whenever I was in the car I would always ask my parents or my older siblings if I could control the music. Sometimes I would play Sesame Street music, and my siblings would be like please Ricky please change the music. But now that I grew up and had experience as a DJ at WVUM 90.5 FM anytime I play music in the car with my siblings they are like ‘woah Ricky. this song is really good where did you hear it?’ I attribute my DJ skills to WVUM and now hopefully by doing a comedy show I can improve my comedic skills to a point where I can make even my teachers laugh during their discussion of the biochemistry of the human body.”